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Friday, January 30, 2009

Great Video!

What is astounding to me is that NBC is not going to show it during the superbowl. To be honest, I just caught the headline, didnt read the article. But the headline said enough and that is too bad, because I think it packs a powerful punch...but I think that is the point, maybe it is too powerful of a punch. The video addresses many of the *so called reasons* many use to have abortion. Although I know there are *other* reasons people use as well and I suppose they *could* confuse the issue, if you let it.

I will start with the most objectionable issues, the case where a woman has been raped or been a victim of incest. These are horrible wicked and wretched encounters that no woman should EVER have to endure. It is a sin that God would never want perpetrated on any soul He has created, period. And if life comes from that moment, understandably it becomes a very, very difficult issue for sure. I would never diminish the anguish of such a moment in a woman's life, never. Yet. to turn around and compound the wicked choice of one, by making a choice to eliminate the life being created...I dont have the words.

All I know is that if I start from the premise that God is the author of life, then no matter what circumstances the life was created under, it has a right to exist, by God's divine ability to be the only one who creates life. He is also the only one who could possibly take such a moment in any persons life and turn it around too. No one says that a soul needs to keep the child, there are plenty of couples looking to adopt. I am not saying it is an easy choice either, so do not misunderstand me. It could be made endurable and possibly a healing one, with counseling and a good support system. One that turns one person's sin, something very wrong and should never have happened, into beauty. Easier to write about than live, I give you that, but not impossible, there are many who have made these choices, inspite of what has happened to them. They refuse to be a victim and refuse to victimize another innocent.

Now, the statistics of THIS actually being the reality for the MILLIONS of babies aborted since 1973, is extremely, extremely small, LESS than 1% of abortions are due to rape, incest or endangerment of the mother COMBINED, LESS THAN 1%! That is absolutely mind boggling when there have been MILLIONS upon MILLIONS taken from us *legally* since then, for reasons that had nothing at all to do with rape, incest or endangerment. This means that the masses who have chosen this direction, have done so, for reasons that are bottom line selfish and sinful, based on choices that should have never been made to begin with. Sin begetting sin. I am sorry if that bites, but it does. And we have helped, by using the arguments of the smallest possibilities and neglecting the reasons of the largest percents to abort. Something is seriously wrong with this picture, seriously.

We talk about protecting a woman's life, saying that she should have the *option* to get a safe abortion. HUH?! So we are suppose to pay to help someone commit a sin safely? Well, I want enough money to get out of debt, will you help me rob a bank, safely? And just who is worried about the life within her being safe? No one who is pro-abortion...cuz that is what it really is, it isnt pro-choice, that is just the *code word*. They even dumbed down the issue to make it *easier* on the conscience, it isnt really a baby, right? Well, if you want it, then it's a baby, but if you dont, then it is a fetus. *rolls eyes*

And for those who do think it is a baby and are torn about the mothers safety when she goes to get an abortion, how about dealing with what led her there to begin with instead? How about really protecting both lives? one that should never have an abortion touch her precious, valued by God body and the other that has absolutely no choice or say in the matter? There may have been many sin choices that led to a pregnancy, but we do not kill the evidence of that choice so we do not have to deal with it. If you made the choice, you have to be grown up enough to make other life choices, ones that do not compound your sin...or the sin that happened to you.

Truly and sadly, only God knows the true number of souls that have been murdered, not only in the US, but around the world. And to compound our own culpability, we are going to be funding abortions around the world again, with our tax dollars, with one stroke of the freakin pen! Abortion is NOT a contraceptive option, conception has ALREADY occurred. How in God's name could we not know that there is blood on our hands?

Did you know that the number of abortions performed in the US since 1973 is approaching 50 million??? And those are the ones that have been accounted for. To me, not an easy number to read, and an even hard one to comprehend. It literally makes my stomach churn...I cannot even imagine the anger God feels about this. I found a way to wrap your brain around it, someone had already done the thinking, so here ya go. If you add up the populations to the following states, they equal about 50 million.

* Kentucky
* Oregon
* Oklahoma
* Connecticut
* Iowa
* Mississippi
* Arkansas
* Kansas
* Utah
* Nevada
* New Mexico
* West Virginia
* Nebraska
* Idaho
* Maine
* New Hampshire
* Hawaii
* Rhode Island
* Montana
* Delaware
* South Dakota
* Alaska
* North Dakota
* Vermont
* Wyoming

Proverbs 24:10-12 "If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,”does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?"

And this would be incomplete if I did not include this. There is NOTHING that God is incapable of redeeming, NOTHING. Sin is sin, it separates us from Him. We have ALL sinned. And we ALL need saving. It doesnt matter if the sin was yours or the sin was against you, it is redeemable, it is. No one says that is easy, but it isnt impossible. With God nothing is impossible, nothing. And there is NO sin that cannot be forgiven, NO life that cannot be restored and NO soul that God isnt WILLING to redeem. We are the ones who need to see that, believe that, and receive that, in order for it to take affect in our lives. One person DOES make a difference, I may not change the course of this tide, many of us may not, BUT it is important that we stand up and BE HEARD, for we serve and audience of ONE, and that DOES matter, for eternity.

Peace out...


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